File upload tool VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH


You can securely upload files to persons of VDI/VDE-IT. Please note the upload of big files can last more than 30 seconds. Please do not close the browser before you get a confirmation of the successful upload.

Please upload files with the following extensions only 7z avi doc docx mov mp4 pdf pdf png pps ppt pptx txt webm xia xls xlsx zip

Please enter your email address

Please enter the e-mail address of the receiver. It should end with

Please enter the e-mail address of the receiver. It should end with

An optional comment for the receiver

If you got a Funding indicator, please enter it here. Otherwise leave field empty.

Multiple files could be selected with CTRL key. Files selected incorrectly can be deselected by clicking the 'Choose Files' button again and selecting other files. Allowed Extensions: 7z avi doc docx mov mp4 pdf pdf png pps ppt pptx txt webm xia xls xlsx zip